1.1 Cups: 20 x identical cups
1.2 Where multiple tables are used these must be the same dimensions
1.3 Balls: 2 x 40mm identical balls
1.4 Cups must be arranged in the plastic triangles and the triangles evenly place on the table cup spots
Players & Teams
2.1 A team consists of two players (Single player teams are not allowed)
2.2 A Player can only play for one team
3.1 Cups will be filled to the designated line with water or preferred beverage.
Starting Game
4.1 The home side team is the starting team
4.2 For knockout rounds – the highest ranked team will decide their table side and will have first throw
Cup formations & Re-racks
5.1 At the start of the game cups must be arranged in a triangle formation as per rack formation
5.2 A re-rack can be called once during a game
5.3 A re-rack can only be called at the start of a turn before any team member has made shot
5.4 The re-rack can be made in any formation that fits in the rack triangle
5.5 Cups should always be racked within the official triangle with cups touching each other and the base of cups completely on the table
5.6 If during the course of the game a cup is knocked no longer touching another cup it cannot be moved and must remain where it is unless it is re-racked per rule 5.2
5.7 No shots are allowed to be made until a re-rack is complete and the opposition has moved all parts of their body back behind the edge of the table
Making & Blocking Shots
6.1 Each player in a team gets one shot per turn
6.2 When making shots a player is allowed to lean over the table so long as they are unsupported and their elbow does not pass the table edge at any point during the throw.
6.3 Opposition players’ hands are to remain behind the edge of the table until the shot leaves the players hand. This is a serious offence that will be treated as un-sportsman like conduct and can be dealt with in accordance with rule 14.4
6.4 If an opposition player blocks a shot before it bounces this counts as though a cup has been made. The player making the shot nominates which cup
Bounced Shots
7.1 A bounced shot counts as two cups
7.2 The opposition (team losing cups) gets to pick which cup is the second cup
7.3 Opposition players are allowed to block bounced shots as per rule 6.3
7.4 If a ball bounces 2 or more times well done but it is treated as a normal bounced shot
7.5 If a ball bounces off one of more cups before it sinks another then all cups it touched on the way are also eliminated.
2 shots 2 cups
8.1 If both players in a team make separate cups, including if one or both of those shots are bounced shots, that team get both balls back, this can keep happening until one player misses a shot
2 shots 1 cup (BOMB)
9.1 If both players in a team make the same cup, including if one or both of those shots are bounced shots, that team get both balls back and all cups touching the sunk cup are also eliminated.
9.2 If one shot is a bounced shot then this means an extra cup has been made, if both shots are bounced shots 2 extra cups have been made, the opposition team nominate the cups
Tricks Shots
10.1 If the ball is to rebound back over half after a throw and the thrower’s team collect the ball before the opposition then the thrower is entitled to a trick shot. A trick shot must be significantly different to the thrower regular throw.
10.2 Each player must not repeat a trick shot they have already used during that game.
10.3 Each player gets one Island shot opportunity per game. An island cup is a cup that is not touching any other cups. The throwing player must select their nominated island cup. If that cup is sunk then a second cup must also be removed. If the thrower sinks another cup that is not the nominated island then that cup does not count.
Guys Can Finger, Girls Can Blow
11.1 If a ball is thrown and is spinning around inside a cup before dropping into the beverage the opposition player can attempt to remove the ball
11.2 Guys are allowed to use their finger to try and flick the ball out
11.3 Girls are allowed to try and blow the ball out
11.4 If the removed ball has any liquid on it from the cup or if the cup falls over as a result of either of these actions the cup is considered to be made
11.5 If the flick or blow results in the ball landing in another cup then both cups are eliminated
Cup Removal
12.1 Cups cannot be removed until both opposition shots have been taken
12.2 Made cups must be removed and then placed off the table and are no longer part of the game.
12.3 Tricks Shots take place after any cups have been removed.
12.4 Trick Shots cannot be used to sink the final cup in any game
13.1 The first team to make all the opposition cups or sink the most cups wins
13.2 After the last cup in sunk the opposition team will receive redemption. Both players shoot to remain in the game. Redemptions are unlimited.
13.3 In all conditions the final cup must be sunk through a throw. Where a previous shot is taken that leaves the final cup unknown, this must be clarified prior to the throwers next throw. (Example: 3 cups remain. First thrower sinks an island which results in two cups being removed. These must remain on the table until the second throw is made. The second throwers cup must be nominated prior to their throw to determine the last cup. Should the thrower sink one of the other cups then the ball back rule applies, cups are removed and the game continues.)
14.1 Dropping a ball into your own cup counts as a shot. They must remove the cup from the game. The player does not get a second shot
14.2 Knocking your own cup over means you remove that cup from the game
14.3 If a player knocks the table and knocks more than 3 cups over their team loses automatically. If less than 3 cups are knocked over the offending team must remove the number of cups from there rack, whilst the other Team replaces there cups.
14.4 Unsportsmanlike conduct can result in expulsion from the tournament
14.5 Time Wasting as per rule 17.1 can result in penalty cups.
15.1 Distractions are allowed as long as no part of a player crosses the edge of the table before the other team throws. See rule 6.3
16.1 A referee’s decision is final – referee’s for all games will be made up from volunteers from other teams.
17.1 Round Robin games will be strictly 10 minutes. At the 10 minute timer, no more shots are allowed to take place. During timed gamed players must abide by a shot clock. Although no strict time will be set for a shot clock the maximum expected ball hold time, from the time the shot is legally allowed to be taken, should not exceed 5 – 10 seconds.
17.2 Knockout Finals won’t have a time limit and the shot clock is removed
Additions or Clauses
18.1 Bitch Cup rule will not be applicable during the winter tournament event
Points Format
Win: 2 points
Draw: 1 Point
Loss: 0 Points
All Cups Win (All cups sunk under 10mins): +1 Point
Bonus Point Win (Win by 4 or more cups): +1 Point
Bonus Point Loss (Lose by 1 cup): + 1 Point